Community Services - Parks, Facilities, Arts, and Library

Parks Rec Graphic

The Community Services team operates across many City Facilities, including Mountain View Commons, City Hall, and the Public Library. This team brings together a variety of programs, services, and facilities focused on improving the quality of life and general well-being of our community residents. 

Mission (what we do):  
Provide safe, equitable, and inclusive access to parks, recreation, and city facilities to foster healthy living and strengthen the bonds of the community

Vision (what we strive for, what we strive to be, what we strive to do): 
Enrich and enhance quality of life for the Port Townsend community

City Parks:
With over 180 acres of park land Port Townsend’s park system provides a mix of active and passive opportunities and is much beloved and well-used. Park visitors can take part in adrenaline-pumping activities such as skateboarding in the downtown Skate Park and playing basketball or pickle ball at Mountain View Commons, or enjoy more quiet and tranquil experiences like birding at Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park and walking through the urban forest of Sather Park woods. Needless to say, there is something for everyone! Visit our Parks Directory to see a list and map of our City parks. There are 27 City owned parks, 5 County owned parks, and 2 State owned parks located within City limits.

City Trails:
Port Townsend is home to over 31 miles of urban and rural trails that connect neighborhoods, parks, schools, and other places of interest. The trail system is a spider web of opportunity for recreation activities such as walking, running, and mountain biking as well as providing informal commuting routes that stretch to all ends of town. 

Parks Volunteer Opportunities
There are many volunteer opportunities for our City parks and trails. Our volunteers help with taking care of our parks and trails by weeding, planting, clearing brush and providing trail maintenance. If you are interested in volunteering please fill out our online volunteer form. The City also offers an Adopt-A-Park/Trail program, this program is more in-depth and allows a group or organization to adopt a park or trail.

Parks, Recreation Trees and Trails Advisory Board
The PRTTAB advises City Council on issues related to the City's parks, open spaces, trees, and recreational opportunities. The Advisory Board provides review, advice, and recommendations on the implementation of the Port Townsend Parks, Recreation and Open Space Functional Plan and other topics that are important to maintaining and expanding the City's commitment to conservation and legislation regarding the City's parks and trees. The Board organizes community efforts to maintain and protect our City's recreational assets.

Parks Memorial Donations
Our program is a wonderful way to donate a park bench or table to commemorate a close family member or loved one. Staff recently installed three new benches at Pope Marine Park and Sather Park. 


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